Deploying a Spark Model with REST Inference API

Vivek Kaushal
2 min readAug 28, 2020


Deploying a machine learning model built with Apache Spark isn’t as straight forward as the deployment of a PyTorch model or a TF model. Especially when you’re planning on having a REST API for inference requests. One way of going about it is use MLeap, but that would require modifications to training code, as MLeap relies on it’s own serialization.

The best approach that I’ve found is using Openscoring and PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language). PMML is a an XML based markup language that stores your predictive model and openscoring is used to create the inference REST API. The steps for doing so are as follows:

Converting your Model to PMML

There are two ways of getting this done. One way is to use the JPMML Converter. The documentation is fairly intuitive and can be quickly setup for conversion. The second, and perhaps much easier way to convert your model ot PMML is to use the inbuit Spark PMML Model Export. Once you’ve exported your Spark model to PMML, we will look at deployment over the following steps.

Setting up Openscoring

In my opinion the quickest way to setup openscoring is to use it’s docker deployment. If you do not have docker setup, you can follow the documentation on Docker. Once docker is setup, do the following:

  • clone the [openscoring-docker] repository
  • in openscoring-docker/application.conf change the adminAddress from [localhost] to []*. This would enable you to deploy models from the host machine while accessing the docker deployment.
  • From the openscoring repository root, open Dockerfile and change ARG version=2.0.1 to ARG version=2.0.2. Openscoring version 2.0.2 has added support for PMML 4.4.
  • From the repository root, build the docker image
    docker build -t openscoring/openscoring:latest .

Model Deployment

Almost done! You have your model converted and the deployment environment setup. Now comes the easy part — actually deploying your model and testing for inference. You can use openscoring’s REST API to deploy your model. Make sure you replace the port 8080 in the mentioned sample API requests with the _REST_API_inference_port_ you entered while setting up your openscoring docker container.

Run a docker container with suitable port mapping:

docker run -p <_REST_API_inference_port_>:8080 openscoring/openscoring:latest

This should get your job done. If you have any queries, feel free to drop a comment below or reach out to me.

Originally published at on August 28, 2020.



Vivek Kaushal
Vivek Kaushal

Written by Vivek Kaushal

Product | Hacker | Engineer | Building Enterpret | ex-Samsung, IIIT-H |

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